“Popchor Tirol” starting in October! 5 rehearsals and a concert with a very groovy band in March 2019 at the “Haus der Musik” in Innsbruck. Very excited about this project hosted by the “Tiroler Sängerbund” (Tyrolean Singing Association). Curious? You can find the application form here.
Dates: Saturday, 13.10.2018 | 24.11.2018 | 12.01.2019 | 09.02.2019 | 02.03.2019
10:00 -13:00 and 15:00 -18:00
Where:Mehrzwecksaal, Widum Telfs | Obermarktstraße 43, 6410 Telfs
Konzert: Saturday, 09.03.2019, Haus der Musik, Innsbruck (Austria)